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Tea Matters

White Peony (白牡丹) - Loose Leaf Tea

White Peony (白牡丹) - Loose Leaf Tea

Regular price $28.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $28.00 AUD
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Tea Matters™ White Peony is exceptional, premium quality white tea that rewards the drinker with a very special experience. White Peony will produce a refreshing cold-brew in summer too.

Appearance: Silver downy bud with green 1-2 leaves.
Colour: Straw coloured
Aroma: Fresh orchid, bamboo, fresh grass.
Taste: Delicate orchid and sweet almond, mellow mouthfeel & sweet aftertaste
Region/ Elevation: Taimu Mountain, Fuding, China
Harvest: Handpicked March 2017
Oxidation: Mixed dark green and light brown leaves & tips
Baking Level: Pale orange

Tea Matters™ 2017 White Peony was sourced from Jenny ‘s friend Ms Yang’s Taimu Mountain tea farm, Fuding, China.

Very high grade White Peony, with 1 silver bud & 1-2 leaves, like the name suggests, has the beautiful floral notes. Extremely elegant while also offering the subtle complexity of Shoumei.

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